Anti-Parris Rank and Percentile:


Name Petition 1681 Rank 1681 Percent 1690 Rank 1690 Percent
Andrew, Daniell and sons Anti-P 5 95.90% 3 98.20%
Bishop, Edward senr & son Anti-P 39 60.60% 31 70.70%
Braybrook, samuell Anti-P 76 21.20% 66 38.00%
Buxton, John and sons Anti-P 10 90.90% 10 88.40%
Flint, John Anti-P 33 62.60% 27 76.10%
Fuller, Thomas senr Anti-P 50 40.40% 40 59.20%
Herrick, Joseph senr & son Anti-P 39 60.60% 10 88.40%
Holten, Joseph Junr Anti-P 33 62.60% 27 76.10%
Holton, John Anti-P 76 21.20% 58 43.30%
Holton, Joseph senr Estate Anti-P 50 40.40% 66 38.00%
Anti-Parris Persister Rank and Percentile: 1690-1700 (Sample)

Performing the same operations to identify anti-Parris persisters as was used for the pro-Parris group yields twenty-nine witchcraft opponents who paid taxes in both 1690 and 1700. Changes in their rank and percentile standing in Salem Village, whether up or down, can be similarly determined.

To see the results for anti-Parris persisters, click Next.